24/7 gym access

WaterMarc is 24/7 as of 1st May!

You can now experience WaterMarc anytime!

What Does 24/7 Access Mean for You?

  • Flexible Workouts: No matter if you're an early bird or a night owl, you can now hit the gym at a time that suits you best.

  • No More Time Constraints: Don't worry about rushing to fit your workout into your schedule. Now, you can plan your wellness routine around your daily life, making it easier to stay committed to your well-being goals.

  • No More Crowds: With 24/7 access, you can avoid the peak-hour rush at the gym.


How to get 24/7 Gym Access

24/7 inductions are available from Friday 26.04 and must be done in person. 24/7 will also be available to Fitness Passport. See times below where a staff member will be ready to assist with your induction, no need to book, just rock up with a phone that can scan a QR code! 
Monday - Friday: 7.00am & 7.30pm 
Saturday: 8.00am & 12.30pm  

TripAdvisor Panel

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